1. Read the rules. (seriously)
They're there to keep you safe but also to make sure we keep a good relationship with the owners of the venue (Boxing Woest). We really like it here so we want to keep our relationship with them pristine. The coach might send you off the mats if you break these rules. Ignorance of the rules excuses no one.
Read the rules here.
2. Make sure you're insured.
While BJJ is very safe, it's still an intense martial art, and accidents happen. That's why it's very important to be covered by insurance when something happens to your or your partner. It only costs 13 euros per year. You have no excuse not to be insured. If you train without insurance, we'll kick you off the mats.
Insurance website. Video showing you how to buy insurance Here's how to make an insurance claim.
4. Whatsapp
We use WhatsApp for lighter and ad-hoc communication around random stuff.
Join by writing us in Instagram, Discord or asking us at the gym.
5. Get access to the class recordings. 
It's a bit of a mess right now, but we'll clean this up one step at a time
Google Drive
Here you will find all the recordings of the beginners & gi classes. Ask for access and I will grant it! If it takes longer than a day to get access, message Stapho on Discord.
6. Training outside of Class.
Whenever there's a coach in the gym, you're allowed to train. It doesn't matter if it's a boxing coach or a BJJ coach. You can see when there are BJJ classes in the Stark App and you see the live updated boxing schedule here.
If there's no class, you can still ask in the WhatsApp group if there's someone there. There's almost always someone there. (Stapho, Dario, Gauthier, Ilyas, Nick and Mauro have a key.
7. What to do when you're injured.
Immediately email contact@starkjiujitsu.be please let us know that you're injured, ideally add a doctor's note. Here's a link on how to handle the insurance.